The sphere of cosmetology is rapidly growing, with brand-new remedies constantly appearing on the market. In the situation of such a fulminant flow of new drugs, it is difficult to trace all of them and choose the most effective one with the most affordable price, suitable exactly for you. In this article, we will compare the well-known and promoted brand of botulinum Botox with a relatively new one but not less effective Xeomin.
Some people may tell you that these two remedies are the same thing. We would suggest that they are similar, but not the same. The clue is that they are both based on the neurotoxic substance called botulinum. It is produced by a special kind of bacteria and is poisonous if received in a pure form, for example, with food. Once it gets to the stomach, it causes severe consequences, including the death of the organism. The two drugs do not contain this dose of the poison able to lead to these fatal aftereffects and are safe to use in the cosmetology and therapeutics.
Furthermore, they are very similar in the principle of their actions how they fight the aging changes on the patients’ faces. Blocking the nerve endings and preventing the muscles from contractions, they relax them, making the skin smoother and more elastic. This is how crow’s feet, nasolabial folds, and wrinkles on the forehead vanish once but not forever! Either Xeomin or Botox does not possess permanent effect and will need to be re-injected within the next four or six months.
Well, the main difference is explained by the components of the two products. Xeomin presents a so-called “pure” botulinum toxin A. Its more popular and correspondingly more expensive analog Botox, except for the main ingredient, contains protective proteins. It influences the storage conditions of the two remedies, and unfortunately for Botox, not in its favor. Due to the additional components, Botox requires refrigeration for storage and transportation, what effects its price in a negative way. Thus, in a battle Xeomin vs Botox price, the first one is an undeniable leader.
In the same way, the principle of their action is a little bit different due to slight differences in their composition. Because of the additional components of Botox, it requires more time for the results to show up in comparison to Xeomin with single botulinum A. Moreover, there are fewer chances for the organism to become resistant to the cheaper remedy than to its more expensive analog.
In these terms, the two drugs for injection are very similar. We can say even equal. If you received a proper dosage of a remedy, and the doctor was following all the instructions, and you do not have an allergy to any component, there is a high chance everything will go on the cheap:
All these symptoms are individual and should disappear with the following few days. During this period, you should be very attentive to your organism, and in case, if you feel something is going on wrong, inform your doctor.
Taking into account all the facts from the above, it is still difficult to say for sure what remedy is better. Both of the drugs have very similar components, principles of work, duration of its effect, and both work perfectly for the fight with anti-aging. In any case, you would need a consultation with a specialist and thorough investigation of your health and condition of the skin. Besides, just after that, you, together with your doctor, will be able to choose a medication, which will work best, particularly for you.