It is a well-known fact that eating habits can dramatically influence one’s health condition, both in a good and bad way. Otherwise, why would the phrase “We are what we eat” appear? The same situation with the osteoarthritis diet – there are some products to avoid to make a patient’s condition easier on him; on the other hand, there is a list of foods to add to see a quick improvement of the one.
For people who want to learn more about how to eliminate joint pain in the knees, hands, heeps, and other body areas, a team of specialists from the PDcosmetics prepared this educational article. We really hope these pieces of advice will be useful for our readers. Overall, your happiness and satisfaction are our main priorities! So, without any delays, let’s dive into the world of healthy eating and correct dieting plans.
First of all, we would like to point out one thing – changes in the ratio cannot cure osteoarthritis, it can only make arthritis symptoms easier on a person and improve their overall health condition. For example, there is a type of anti-inflammatory foods that contains antioxidants (e.g., vitamins A, C, and E) recommended for all patients with joints problems. But let’s not ran ahead of the discussion.
In the beginning, we would like to indicate how exactly some products can be beneficial for people. Normally, doctors distinguish three main peculiarities:
As it was previously mentioned, an anti-inflammatory diet is something that can slow down disease progression and boost one’s health condition a lot. That’s why specialists recommend having a consultation with a nutritionist to calculate proper serving sizes and make a list of products to avoid depending on a health condition and possible chronic diseases. This article only contains pieces of advice; before deciding to cut out any foods from your ratio, please, have an appointment with a doctor first.
Some studies demonstrated that red meats include a high level of inflammatory markers that increase inflammation and negatively affect people’s health issues. Not only that, but meat can also be a risk factor for arthritis development as it is a type of saturated fats. That’s exactly why it is not recommended for consumption for patients with arthritis.
We are talking about baked stuff, fried foods, breakfast cereal, and other goods with a high level of trans fats that may worsen negative symptoms of arthritis. Moreover, it is a risk factor for obesity, heart issues, and diabetes, which is also an unfortunate condition for anyone out there.
Gluten belongs to a protein group, which is well known for such foods as wheat, barley, rye, and triticale. It can not only make the signs of arthritis worse for those who live with this issue but also cause it in patients who live with such conditions as celiac disease.
As you may know, omega-3-fats, as well as omega-6, are necessary for maintaining a good health condition. It is impossible to stop eating foods that have those in the composition – the consequences may be very upsetting. However, a balanced diet has to be planned in order not to worsen osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Try to replace the oil you currently use with olive oil and fatty fish.
Yes, there is no way alcohol will be avoided in any article about healthy eating habits. Studies demonstrated that alcoholic beverages could affect the spinal cord and sacroiliac joints, thus can make spinal structural damage much worse.
The list of dishes here is pretty extensive – fast food (french fries, burgers, etc.), pizza, canned soups, some types of cheeses and processed meat, and numerous other products. The thing is, a high sodium intake is always a risk and stimulator of such autoimmune disease as inflammatory arthritis. Not to mention that a high salt intake is not healthy considering overall healthy dieting in general. So, be careful with that, and replace salt with different, a little safer, and more nutritious options.
Well, as we discussed restrictions, let’s switch to foods that provide anti-inflammatory effects. In this way, you’ll know not only how to improve your joint health but also bones, muscles, and general health strength. For people with osteoarthritis, it is recommended to add the products presented below.
We already mentioned that, but fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have strong anti-inflammatory properties. It is recommended to have at least one serving of fish per week and include such types as salmon, fresh tuna, sardines, and mackerel. Of course, supplements may also be taken to get the needed dose of omega-3, but fresh food is always a better option.
Cheeses, yogurt, milk – all of those contain high levels of vitamin D and calcium, which are suitable for not only arthritis symptoms reduction but for the common bone and muscle strength. If you try to lose weight, no worries – there are always low-fat options available.
Here, not all greens will be helpful. We are talking mainly about dark leafy greens – spinach, chard, kale, collard greens, etc. All of those are rich in vitamin D and beneficial stress-fighting antioxidants. Not to mention that vitamin D is essential for better calcium absorption, which is important in helping the body to fight the infection.
A perfect way to get more antioxidants that help reduce inflammations and cartilage damage. Green tea also contains a high dosage of polyphenols.
This category of products is good for heart health and includes calcium, zinc, fiber, vitamin E, magnesium, and other beneficial components. A perfect way to not only boost the immune system but also to reduce systemic inflammation in a person. Just one product – and so many benefits.
Osteoarthritis can make the life of a person very complicated and, in some way, unpleasant. However, if a proper diet calculated by a specialist is combined with needed medications and procedures, unfortunate symptoms may be eliminated and left in the past. Consider changing some of your eating habits and lifestyle factors, and you’ll surely see the difference in the future. That’s all for today. Thank you for being with us, and stay safe!